We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2022

We will be exhibiting at #EBACE2022 “European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition”, the premier private aviation show to be held May 23-25 in Geneva. Meet General Aviation Service management team at booth M46. Enjoy the hospitality of the most important FBO network in Spain. Stop by or book your meeting at : 📬 https://calendly.com/generalaviationservicefbo/ebace-general-aviation-service-fbo-spain-booth-c50
Are you attending DC2022 , Schedulers & Dispatchers NBAA? General Aviation Service executive team is excited to travel to San Diego, CA this year to network with great professionals in the #BIZAV industry and to strengthen our relationship with our valued customers and future partners. Meet with our team during Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference …
We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2022
➡️ We are extremely happy to announce that General Aviation Service has been granted the Ground Handling license to provide its services now also at IBIZA (LEIB / IBZ ) Airport 👏 ***IBIZA***LEIB***IBZ*** ✅The most complete range of VIP services for Private Aviation in one of the most famous islands in Spain 💎Quality makes the …
#reopening The Spanish government has published new requisites for travelers arriving in the country from outside the European Union and countries associated with the Schengen free-travel area. From today 07th June, passengers from risk zones will be permitted to enter Spain if they have been administered the full doses of a Covid-19 vaccine approved …
Fuente: https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov/spth.htm NUEVO: En cumplimiento de la Orden SND/181/2021, a partir del 8 de marzo las personas procedentes de la República Federativa de Brasil, República de Sudáfrica, República de Botsuana, Unión de Comoras, República de Ghana, República de Kenia, República de Mozambique, República Unida de Tanzania, República de Zambia, República de Zimbabue, República de …
General Aviation Service, First spanish company to get the isbah stage II certificate. After have obtained the Isbah Stage I, General Aviation Service has strived to continue giving the best of itself and the best possible service for its clients. One of the first steps to obtain the excellence has been to pass a …
Spanish Government pointed to the fact that by Monday, the entire country will be in Phase 1 or Phase 2 of the government’s de-escalation plan, with the last parts of the country – such as the Madrid region and Barcelona city – finally leaving the first stage, Phase 0. Internal movement will be gradually …
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